Debbie Mason has loved the feel of clay since she was a child growing up on a farm.
Favorite haunts included a brook and a reservoir where clay could be dug from the banks and modeled into sculptures and small pots.
Art classes in school were a joy and led her to Bennington College in Vermont where she could persue academics and various art courses. The ceramics program turned out to be her favorite, along with Education courses and participation in the local Head Start program. One influencial off-campus work term was spent in England working for a potter building kilns and another was spent teaching ceramics at the Cambridge School of Weston, MA where she landed a job upon graduation from college.
Thirteen fabulous years were spent there with some very talented teens expanding the department, building kilns, taking students on month-long "Potters Tours of England", and finally becoming chair of the Art Department.
After taking a year off to work in her studio she decided to continue to make pots full time. Sharing the pleasure of working with clay has always been important to her so she opened her studio to students. Other teaching has included adult and childrens classes for the Duxbury Art Association and the Plymouth Community Arts Center as well as Elderhostel programs.
In 1992 Plimoth Plantation approached her and asked her to be the Master Potter in the Crafts Center. Here she was able to combine making pots with doing research, organizing workshops for potters and the public, and teaching.
In 2005, she chose to return again to spending more time in her favorite place - her studio in Duxbury, MA making her own pots and teaching more classes.
She invites all to come and visit, by appointment.
If you would like more information, please feel free to email or phone us.